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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6AM  CBS  February 8, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST

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may come back to haunt him. >> storm clouds are gone but the rainfall left behind causing fog outside. watch out, it's thick right now. we'll have more on that coming up. a dense fog advisory on the bay bridge. a check of your bridge commute coming up. good morning. it's wednesday, february 8. i'm frank mallicoat. >> and i'm grace lee. it is 6 a.m. >> and this morning, san francisco sheriff renewing his efforts to see his son once again. >> that's right. ross mirkarimi will return to family court. anne makovec is in san francisco where prosecutors are adding to their witness list for mirkarimi's upcoming trial. good morning, anne. >> reporter: that's right. of course there was a similar family court hearing last week when he was asking to see his son. we understand he and his wife have been meeting with mediators independently to come up with some sort of mutually agreeable visitation schedule. this morning the judge could either accept or deny that plan that they are coming up with. this is going to happen in just
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a few hours here at 9 a.m. this morning's hearing in family court comes after a similar motion was twice denied in criminal court mirkarimi is barred from seeing his wife or son right now. this hearing is about only his son. his wife does support mirkarimi's request to see their son. mirkarimi was arrested on january 13 charged with domestic violence battery, endangering a child and dissuading a witness. he is accused of grabbing and bruising his wife's arm in front of their son and then asking her not to call police. yesterday prosecutors filed a request to allow the testimony of this woman in mirkarimi's trial, christina flores his ex- girlfriend. she dated him back in 2007 and 2008 and has a similar story of abuse. prosecutors say that shows a pattern of abusive behavior. his criminal trial is set to start on february 24. this morning's hearing in family court is separate from that. again, it starts at 9 a.m. back to you guys. >> we'll be watching. all right, thank you, anne makovec. the suspect in the shooting
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of an off-duty federal agent in newark is an eye doctor from piedmont. 61-year-old dennis bagwell is due in court tomorrow afternoon. he was arrested in union city five hours after the shooting yesterday morning outside the agent's home. the agents works at sfo. his condition is not being released. new on this wednesday, the latest efforts to end violence in syria. a senior european union official says the group will impose harsher sanctions. russia's foreign minister has gone glass scabbing to talk with president assad to talk about ending deadly clashes with government opponents of the, going to damascus. there were 50 deaths in recent fighting there. big boost for the presidential campaign of rick santorum. he finished first last night in all street states that held gop contests. >> conservativism is alive and well in missouri and minnesota! [ applause and cheers ] >> he is a happy man. the victories in colorado,
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missouri and minnesota don't make santorum the overall front- runner among republicans. but they certainly have put a little life back into his campaign and make things a lot tougher now on mitt romney the leader in the number of delegates. the next caucuses in the state of maine. ron paul is banking on doing pretty well there on saturday. california's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage may end up in the u.s. supreme court. supporters aren't giving up on it after a federal appeals court struck it down. >> good-bye prop 8! >> the new ruling prompted celebration around the state including this one in west hollywood. the measure served no purpose other than to, quote, lessen the status in human dignity of gays and lesbians," according to the ninth circuit court of appeals. the weddings are still on hold until it's appealed to a higher court. a lot of people back the
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court's decision. our poll found 61% agreed with the ruling in california and 75% say same-sex couples should be able to share in the legal benefits of marriage. some relief from rising tuition fees may be on the way for california students. assembly speaker john perez will introduce the middle class scholarship today. this plan slashes student tuition fees by two-thirds. it would be funded by eliminating a 2009 corporate tax break. the plan would cost about $1 billion every year and it adds up to $4,000 in annual savings for cal state students. uc students would save more than $8,100. >> you can hear the parents out there going yay! so expensive now. hey, surf's up. if you are heading to the coast beware because 18-footers perhaps up and down the coast? >> lawrence trying to catch a wave today? >> not that kind of wave. that was too big for me but high surf advisories up along the coast swells around 16 feet but could see 18-foot breakers.
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we have breaking weather news, though. a dense fog advisory has been posted for much of the north and the east bay. you can see some of that fog outside over the bay right now. temperatures running into the 40s and the 50s. but if you are heading around, watch out. that fog is very thick. the raindrops left over some -- plenty of moisture for the atmosphere. now we're seeing dense tule fog in the valleys. some places less than an eighth of a mile so be careful traveling this morning. by the afternoon, the fog is long gone and those temperatures soaring, temperatures running up into the the upper 60s in some spots over the next couple of days maybe even some 70s as high pressure builds in. looks like spectacular weather ahead but things change as we head in toward friday. partly cloudy skies, some cooler temperatures and by this weekend, starting to get a little bit unsettled. we can see the fog had our cameras or kind of -- we can't see a lot of traffic because of the fog this morning in some of our cameras so first i want to show you one of our slow spots. westbound 580 out of the altamont pass, you can see a long line of brake lights this morning from the altamont pass
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to the dublin interchange. check near vasco road speeds slow there 18 minutes drive time. at the bay bridge this is one of our spots where fog is an issue this morning. not so much at the bay bridge toll plaza because obviously you can see all those headlights there. there are slight delays in cash lanes. there is a fog advisory this morning just for the bay bridge. it is our only one and again they have not turned the metering lights on so once they do, likely another 10 minutes or so then we'll start to see bigger backups. milpitas 880 and 237. 880 looks good. westbound 237 fine, light towards silicon valley. westbound 580 a slow spot. so far no delay down the eastshore freeway. the nimitz 24, everything is quite the that way. and mass transit continues to roll along on time. so yes, we are watching the fog this morning and we'll have more on that coming up in just a little bit. back to you. >> thank you. 6:06. we have an entire l.a. school put on leave. >> and now new allegations against a third teacher there at a campus sex scandal. >> where are you guys at!
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>> children trapped in a burning apartment. firefighters go room to room following their cries for help. now we have a helmet cam that shows you a rescue that you almost never get to see. and a java jolt you can inhale. the dangerous new way young people are getting a caffeine fix. coming up.
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switching to progressive could mean
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hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. good morning. we just got off the phone with sfo. there are delays of more than an hour this morning on arrivals at sfo because the fog is so thick. so yeah, it's causing some flight implications and it's causing issues on the roads. full breakdown coming up. a helmet cam captured images of an alameda county fireman as firefighters rescued family members from a burning apartment building. the fire began at 7 a.m. yesterday at a building on marcella street near san leandro. the children's mother tossed a baby to a firefighter below before jumping down herself. and another child jumped to safety. but firefighters had to go inside the building to rescue two more children. >> they were in the back
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bedroom tuck in the closet under a blanket scared for their lives. >> family and 7 other people are now in temporary housing with help from the american red cross. the fire's cause not yet certain but investigators say a mattress may have been a little too close to a space heater. this morning, there are new accusations that a third teacher was involved in a child sex scandal in los angeles. the new york daily news reports that a lawyer representing some possible victims accuses a female teacher of taking young girls to the teacher who is charged currently with 23 counts of lewd conduct. the "l.a. times" is now reporting that a female school aide may have written a love letter to an 11- year-old boy. it's all at miramonte school. it's a legal victory for "occupy oakland." city council failed to pass a measure that would increase police activity against protestors. it would have allowed police to use whatever "lawful" tools are available against unpermitted demonstrators that block roads. specifically it mentioned the
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port of oakland. oakland's mayor jean quan will deliver the annual state of the city address tonight. one of the big topics is the "occupy" movement in oakland. the speech set for 7:00 in the city council chambers. 6:12 now. a big shake-up in the gop race. we have a live report on rick santorum surprise three state sweep of what it means for mitt romney's front-runner status. >> how a 15-year-old's joy road taught him a hard lesson. it's coming up. storm clouds now parting leaving a light dusting of snow over the sierra nevada. here's the snow report: we'll talk more about your weather when we come back. ♪
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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heading to texas today.. fresh off his victories in three states last night. he missouri... in campaign 2012 rick santorum is head won a nonbinding campaign in missouri as well as caucuses in two
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other states. the upset was in colorado where he beat favorite mitt romney by 5%age points and by a huge margin in minnesota over second place ron paul. romney finished third. susan mcginnis joins from us washington, d.c. this one you thought, rick santorum was down and out. he's back! >> reporter: he is back. and he won all of yesterday and, you know, a lot of people are calling these beauty contests because no delegates were awarded yesterday. but this really does provide rick santorum a lot of momentum going forward. now he could get some donor dollars to go forward to, you know, to do well in the later contests like in texas and coming up on super tuesday. you know, the big takeaway is that conservative voters in those states yesterday, the far right conservatives are sending a message that the party is not coalescing around mitt romney at least in some contests. this is not our guy and they may not be saying rick santorum is our guy but they're kind of saying, romney is not.
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>> in a lot of ways they are. how many does this affect mitt romney's front-runner status and do you think this will change the way he campaigns from here on out? >> yes. it may not change the front- runner status because he has the status but it will change his behavior going forward before you we can expect barrages of negative ads. another big takeaway is this could end up being a long and protracted and bitter battle that drags on for months and some republicans are afraid that this could hurt the party as a whole and end up with a divided convention in august and with a weakened candidate going up against barack obama. >> and what lies ahead? i know we have maine, the caucus this weekend and what's after that? >> reporter: end of february we have a debate and at the end of february we have one more primary. that is we have two, arizona and michigan. those are important. arizona is heavily mormon,
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heavily conservative so it will be to see how romney does there. and then we have super tuesday. that's the big one and you're going to see gingrich again then. a lot of southern states including georgia, oakland, tennessee, are supposed to favor gingrich. so the race will heat up end of february and march 6 super tuesday. >> you have seen it from the beginning. kind of crazy, right? >> reporter: absolutely. we have never seen this kind of flip-flopping back and for the among the front-runners in so long. it's interesting to watch and really shows that this party does not have someone that they can really coalesce around yet. there isn't that much longer to wait or it's going to be romney and the fear is that he will lose to barack obama. that is the fear among a lot of conservatives. >> i imagine the democrats are loving every bit of it. we'll see where it all goes. >> they are. >> susan mcginnis live in d.c., thank you. appreciate it. let's check in with
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lawrence. we have these big waves coming in. >> high surf at the coast. 18-foot breakers along the coast. fog becoming a problem around the bay area as our skies are filling with ground fog. that tule fog making it very tough to see outside. i think by the afternoon, more sunshine on the way. but be careful at the coast. changes on the way toward the weekend. high pressure sneaking back in as that system that brought the rain showers is headed south and east of the bay area. this ridge going to bring with it some warmer temperatures over the next couple of days. dense fog advisories in the north and east bay some of the visibilities less than a quarter mile, maybe some places down to about an 8th of a mile so be very, very careful if you traveling early this morning. that shift lift around 9:00 and then it's back to sunshine. -- that should lift around 9:00 and then it's back to sunshine. 64 degrees in san mateo today. east bay temperatures up as high as 65 in pleasanton. 64 in livermore. and about 65 degrees in the napa valley. inside the bay you will find about 62 in alameda, 59
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sausalito and about 66 degrees in santa rosa. looking out over the next couple of days, warm sunshine making a return to above normal temperatures tomorrow getting near 70. as we look toward friday, clouds thicken up again and more clouds on the way over the weekend. even a chance of a few showers etch towards sunday. that's a look at weather. here's elizabeth with traffic. >> thanks, lawrence. >> our bay bridge toll plaza camera looks different from the last time for two reasons. number one you see brake lights. they turned on the metering lights a few minutes ago so, yeah, we are left with a backup now. you will also notice that fog, we can actually see it a lot more clearly in our bay bridge toll plaza camera. earlier it was more on the san francisco side of the span of the bay bridge. chp issued a dense fog advisory for the bay bridge early this morning. so this is the reason y it could be an issue across the span. but as lawrence said it's dancing around so yeah, right now we're seeing it at the toll plaza. 880 the nimitz, everything looks great according to our "timesaver traffic" camera. your drive time still in the clear, 15 minutes between 238 and the maze. southbound traffic looks great if you have a flight at oakland
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airport where we are seeing a lot of delays westbound 4. it's been a slow spot all morning. got backed up quick. no incidents just a lot of slow traffic where it always bottlenecks there. speeds under 10 miles per hour. past antioch then things look great. pittsburg-bay point into concord. closer towards 242, i'm going to mention this accident one more time off to the right shoulder in sonoma county at infineon westbound 37 it's past 121. activity off the shoulder, visual distraction. main lines of the freeway not impacted and not seeing any major delay. more traffic coming up. back to you. >> thank you. 6:21 now. it is much more than a place to work out. the race to save a bay area gym and the role that it plays in keeping kids out of trouble. and the president letting out his inner geek at the white house. the unusual science project that caught his attention. that and much more coming up.
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anybody. the boy doesn't have his license y a fresno 15-year-old says he is thankful he didn't hurt anybody. the boy doesn't even have his license yet but took his mom's minivan on a joyride yesterday. police say he was going 60 miles per hour when he lost control and crashed into not one but two houses. >> oh. >> the teen is not going to be able to get his license until he is 18. remember that. there is a new gadget that lets you take a deep breath and get your caffeine fix, called
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the air row shot about the size of a lipstick. it went on sale in massachusetts and new york last month. even canister has 100 milligrams of caffeine powder about the amount in a large cup of coffee. the creator of the aeroshot says it's safe. charles schumer of new york worries it will be used as a club drug. an oakland gym known for teaching life lessons, the hard way, is on the brink of closing its doors. the east oakland boxing association opened 25 years ago and since then it's added free after-school programs including academic tutors, a community garden and a weekly food giveaway but a lack of grant funding could close the facility in the next few months. >> we need some help right now or we will not be able to provide any services to these young people. >> maybe they don't realize that we're here because our kids are staying out of trouble. that's not news. >> this afternoon the boxing association will host an open house. it's hoping to convince city leaders to fund the gym and
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keep it running. the secret service is going to be mad at me about this. >> yeah. that's what the president said after he stepped behind an extreme marshmallow cannon. here he is. >> oh!! let's look at at the marshmallow and see what happened! >> the project all part of the white house science fair. the president offered to help pump compressed air into the 8th grader's cannon. the marshmallow projectile hit the ceiling. no one was hurt. coming up, we have a super outbreak at the super bowl. the infection that spread at a pre-game party. >> and a facebook friending fewer people. the major slowdown in the number of its users. >> will he or won't he be able to see his son? san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi is in court this morning. the prosecution continues to build its case against him.
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the latest coming up. a thick fog now showing up around a good part of the bay area. be very careful traveling outside. some very low visibility. we'll have more on that and your sunshine coming up.
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your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning. it is wednesday, february 88. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm grace lee. it is 6:29.
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>> it is back to family of court this morning for ross mirkarimi. anne makovec reports from san francisco where the sheriff is still fighting to see his son. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. >> reporter: he has been to court trying to get visitation rights and it's been denied. he is hoping this morning is going to be the morning he is going to be at family court at 9:00. this is after his plea has been twice denied in criminal court. mirkarimi is barred from seeing his wife or son right now. there is a stay-away order that he is trying to get that lifted. this hearing is about only his son. his wife does support mirkarimi's request to see their son. mirkarimi was arrested on january 13 charged with domestic violence battery, endangering a child and dissuading a witness. he is accused 6 grabbing and bruise -- accused of grabbing and bruising his wife's arm in front of their son and then asking her not to call police. yesterday prosecutors filed a request to allow the testimony of this woman in mirkarimi's
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trial, christina flores his ex- girlfriend. she dated him back in 2007 and 2008 and has a similar story of abuse. prosecutors say that shows a pattern of abusive behavior. so we'll see what the judge rules in that case but his trial is scheduled to start on february 24 but this morning's hearing here in family court scheduled to start at 9 a.m. we have been tracking this story and watching the sheriff go back and forth to court. is there a reason that today he might have a better chance of getting the right to see his son. >> reporter: last week he asked the family court judge for the right to see his son and he also asked that that right be expedited and at that point the judge said no, the ruling would not be expedited so we understand that between then and now, he and his wife have been meeting privately with mediators. they have been coming up with a visitation plan and then that plan would have to be approved or denied by the judge. >> very good. anne makovec live for us in san francisco. anne, thanks. this morning, arson
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investigators are looking into an explosion in san francisco. two people were sent to the hospital with burns after the blast in a mixed residential and commercial building on capitol avenue in the ingleside district. a man accused of shooting a federal agent in newark going to court tomorrow afternoon. 61-year-old eye doctor dennis bagwell from piedmont is being held without bail. he was arrested in union city five hours after the shooting outside the agent's home early yesterday morning. >> it appears the agent had a confrontation with the suspect. it's unknown if the agent discharged a weapon. this was an off-duty incident not in his working capacity. >> i heard someone yell saying get down on the ground. and so i looked out the window, and that's how i found out that there was something going on. >> the victim's family is not releasing his condition or name. he is 61-year-old u.s. customs and border protection agent at sfo. oakland city council fell
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short of the votes needed to increase police activity against protestors. the proposed resolution would have allowed police to use whatever "lawful" tools available against unpermitted demonstrations that block roads. itself mentions the port of oakland. they have had are tough there. it specifically mentions the port of oakland. protestors were scolded for disrupting last night's meeting. rain is gone. now we have high surf and fog. >> it's interesting now. a lot of fog just developing. it looks like it is thickening up around the bay area especially in the valleys but even over the bay right now. you can see that that fog has thickened up. looking toward the bay bridge you can't see it out there because that fog is sitting on the surface and just too thick. temperatures now running mainly in the 40s and 50s around the bay area. but the visibilities going to be very low. some places less than a quarter mile and less than an 8th in some of the valleys of. this afternoon, temperatures with the fog long gone, mostly sunny skies about 66 in san jose. 65 degrees in santa clara.
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and the east bay looking good with temperatures up into the 60s by the afternoon. inside the bay you will find plenty of sunshine too just a couple of passing high clouds this afternoon the about 63 degrees in san francisco. and about 62 degrees in hayward. even warmer in the coming days. we'll talk about that. right now let's check the roads. >> we can see the fog in the cameras in addition to a backup on the bay bridge toll plaza. they turned on the metering lights. it's difficult to tell how far the backups extend with the fog but it's beyond the west grand overcrossing. so at least 10, possibly 15 minutes or getting close it 15 minutes to get you on the bridge. they turned the metering lights on because it's crowded up the incline. down the eastshore freeway not too bad, 22 minutes still in the green from the carquinez bridge to the maze. there's a new accident just reported southbound 880 right before highway 92. apparently it's in the center divide. so if you are heading towards the san mateo bridge, heads up there. we're not seeing any slowing yet up and down 880 where that accident has been reported.
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across the san mateo bridge, right side of that camera you see there, that is westbound 92. should be still about a 13 or 1- minute drive time out of hayward towards the peninsula. so here's a live look at the nimitz. busy both directions but no delay in the drive time, 16 minutes between 238 and the maze. coming up we'll have a check of mass transit. back to you. >> thank you. european union plans to impose harsher sanctions on syria, that word coming as russia's foreign minister holds talks with syria's president assad. russia is pushing assad to end the bloodshed that killed thousands over the last year. assad telling the russians he is assigning his vice president to hold talks with opposition groups. it's 6:35. and rick santorum back on the campaign trail today. he has something to boast about. he won last night in all three states that held presidential contests. >> conservativism is alive and
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well in missouri and minnesota! whoo! >> the victories in colorado, missouri and minnesota don't make santorum the overall front- runner among republicans. but they can revive his campaign and they can also make things tough on mitt romney who is actually the leader in the number of delegates right now. the next contest, caucuses in the state of maine on saturday. ron paul is expected to do well there. 6:36. gay marriage opponents are vowing to take the fight to the u.s. supreme court. they plan to appeal yesterday's ruling that says prop 8 is unconstitutional. the ninth circuit court of appeals here in san francisco ruled 2-1 that the voter- approved initiative served another purpose other than to, quote, lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians. one legal expert says if it goes to the supreme court, justices will allow gay marriage. >> this is an issue whose time has come. the cultural understanding of the issue is really advanced.
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i think it's 5-4 in favor of same-sex marriage. and i think it could even be 6- 3 or 7-2. >> many people here in the bay area back the court's decision. our exclusive eyewitness news poll of 500 adults found 61% agree with the ruling and 57% say they should be able to share the legal benefits of marriage. state lawmakers are taking up a new plan to save some big bucks for college students. assembly speaker john perez calls it the middle class scholarship. the plan slashes student tuition fees by two-thirds. and it would be funded by eliminating a 2009 corporate tax break. the state would pay about $1 billion for that plan every year. and it adds up to $4,000 in annual savings for cal state students. uc students would save more than $8,100. facebook exploded on the scene in its early days and now eight years later it could be a sign of the times. slowing down. kcbs radio's matt bigler joins
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us now with more on the slowdown of the social network's growth. matt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's no secret that facebook's user growth has been slowing down recently. last quarter the company says it added 45 million users. still a lot of people signing up for the service, but that was the smallest increase that the company has seen since the spring of 2009. but the big surprise this morning that is stunning a lot of analysts is that even in asia and europe, market that the company had been hoping to expand in, growth is slowing down there, as well. in fact, in asia, 4th quarter user growth was its weakest in over a year and a half. that's according to a recent ipo filing. so what's going on here? why is facebook not growing as rammedly as expected overseas? -- not grieving as rapidly as expected overseas? a tech analyst, who is in russia now, says many companies have local social networks that are more popular than facebook. >> i'm in russia right now where there is a service that's popular among russians as they
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did a better job in terms of the russian language, it's focused on the russian experience and i've talked to people who say they prefer it to facebook. >> is. >> reporter: analysts are also looking for signs of facebook fatigue among regular users. but some good news here for the social network, according to a new study by the pew internet and american life project, they found no evidence of facebook fatigue among long-time users. so that's where the company is hoping that they will continue to be able to monetize the site more display ads for the people who check in every day, every hour in some cases and they are hoping to make more profit from mobile users, more and more people checking in on facebook on their cell phones and tablet computers. that's the latest from here in silicon valley. back to you guys. >> not exactly welcome news with the ipo coming up quickly, too, matt. >> reporter: that's right. that's why it's such a surprise. analysts are trying to value the company. is it really worth $100 billion? and this is some evidence that
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says, maybe not quite that much. >> all right. we'll find out. kcbs radio's matt bigler, thank you. it is 6:40 now. we have a salty surprise about your diet. the number one source of sodium. >> and it may surprise you. and a staff shake-up at yahoo. the major departures at that struggling company. and we have the market opening just about 10 minutes ago. let's see what's happening in new york. the dow just slightly down near 4 points. the nasdaq slightly up nearly 4 points. no real movement. we'll have kcbs moneywatch reporter jason brooks about what's going on. >> it's slow. >> it's slow today.
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released recordings of a 9- 1-1 call... placed right before a murder-suicide, involving a man and his two young sons. the call is from a social washington authorities have released tapes of a 911 suicide involving a man and his two young boys from a social worker who brought the kids to josh powell's home in graham for a supervised visit: erward, there explosion and fire in the house. investigators say the boys suffered hatchet wounds before dying of carbon monoxide poisoning. investigators in utah are still trying to link powell with the 2009 disappearance of his wife who is believed to be dead, as
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well. 6:43. we have a high surf advisory that says we may see 18-foot waves along the coastline today. gil diaz is live at the pacifica pier and how's it looking? >> reporter: hi, grace. good morning. we just got here minutes ago and we're trying to stay dry because these waves are huge! now, if you surf, you're going to love what you're about to see. thankfully it's a little light. you can see these huge waves. you can definitely hear them crashing on the rocks. look at that wave over there! like you said, grace, there is a high surf advisory in effect until 3:00 this afternoon. but it might end a little earlier than that from traditional surf advisories. take a look at this. this is what surfers live for. i just want to remind that you these can be treacherous. you have to be very careful when you come out here with your wet suits that they look nice you but you know what? there's rip currents that occur most of it occurring during the morning.
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and it's so dangerous to be in a rip current. it's hard to get out of that. so i'm sounding like your father right now but just be very careful if you are going to be surfing these big waves as tall as 18 feet. to tell us more about today's weather along the coast and inland valleys, let's check in with lawrence karnow. >> good morning, gil. now, it's interesting, they will close down that pier behind gil as the waves crest over the top of the pier and a lot of time those waves come you want over the shore interest and push all the sand up near the homes along the coast. all right. outside right now, more fog getting thick right now. some dense fog showing up in some of the valleys. that's something else to worry about this morning as some of that fog dropping visibilities down to a quarter on 8th of a mile. warm and sunday any this afternoon the changes on the weekend. warm and sunny this afternoon. high pressure will bring with it a nice dry day today but we're also seeing calm conditions and dense fog in the north and east bay valleys.
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delays at sfo over an hour for arriving flights because of the fog. by the afternoon the fog is gone and temperatures warm up. 56 degrees in sunnyvale. 61 in pacifica and about 62 degrees in hayward. plenty of sunshine into the east bay this afternoon, as well. mid-60s into pleasanton and livermore. and inside the bay you will find those temperatures up into the 50s and 60s. so really looking at some beautiful weather ahead here at least for the next couple of days. temperatures soaring well above the average. tomorrow, near 70 degrees in some spots. cooling off on friday with a few more clouds. unsettled over the weekend a chance of showers on sunday. that's a look at weather. here's elizabeth with traffic. >> thanks, lawrence. we can see the fog moving around in all of our cameras. earlier we could really see it on our golden gate bridge camera. actually now though it's picture-perfect. you can see nice and clear as you head towards the pay gates. but within the last 10, 15 minutes or so, they went ahead and issued a couple of new fog advisories for some bridges. now, these are fog advisories issued by chp when they drive over one of these bridges and
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they decide that the fog is thick enough that visibility is going to be an issue. so they just issued one for the richmond/san rafael bridge. they also issued one for the carquinez bridge and the benicia bridge. and we have had one in effect for the bay bridge since overnight. they issued this one early this morning. you can see it pretty thick this morning as you head towards the pay gates. there's also a pretty good sized delay. so it looks like drivers may be slowing down quite a bit. earlier we could really see it on the san francisco side of the span. so anyway, it's already backed up for a good 20-minute wait backed up into the maze and the metering lights are on. these fog advisories are different than the one issued from the national weather service. these are chp issued fog advisories. this is an accident we have been following, southbound 880 by highway 92. apparently it's still there blocking possibly a lane, maybe in the center divide. we're not seeing any slowing on our sensors though across the stretch. usually it does start to get busy anyway across that area. folks heading towards the san mateo bridge. but so far in the green and also in the green top speeds this morning all across the
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span at the san mateo bridge from hayward in the commute direction heading towards the peninsula. more traffic including a check of mass transit coming up. back to you. 6:48. brazil's message to twitter: stop tweeting about speed traps and police roadblocks. brazil wants twitter to crack down on users who share that information and just filed a lawsuit calling for $290,000 for each day that twitter fails to comply. last month the company said it would begin deleting user tweets in countries that require it. but it also said it would keep those deleted tweets visible to everyone else. more changes at the top at yahoo. >> lots of departures. here now to talk about it jason brooks with kcbs and good morning. >> reporter: good morning, frank. good morning, grace. it's been a busy time at yahoo. and that has meant a lot of shake-up on the company's board of directors. chairman more bostock and three others won't seek ee re- election, this after jerry yang
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stepped down and the hiring of the former president of ebay, scott thompson. a lot of activist shareholders having pushing for these moves on the board trying to get yahoo to take its next big step, a lot of people thinking that the company will divest itself of its massive asian stakes and chinese e-commerce giant and in yahoo japan. that is a lot of money right there. could be in the neighborhood of 10 to $15 billion for yahoo. yahoo shares are up about a half percent on that news this morning. a couple of decent economic signals yesterday. one that employers are also posting more job openings in december at 3.38 million. a quarter million more than the month before. that's going along with the quarter million gain in jobs that we saw in january. also, another healthy rise in consumer borrowing. up over $19 billion in december. that led to gains on wall street yesterday. market flat waiting for another debt deal in greece to be reached so that country can secure its second bailout and avoid default. right now the dow is up by 9
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points, nasdaq up 70, s&p up 3. >> thank you, jason brooks with kcbs and san francisco the plastic bag will soon be history. the board of supervisors approved a ban on all plastic bags in every retail store and restaurant in the city. paper bags will cost 10 cents each. the new restrictions will start in october. you might be surprised by the number one source of sodium in your diet. it's bread. and the cdc says while bread is not saltier than most snacks people eat more of it. cold cuts are second. pizza in third. and a surprising 10th place finish for chips and pretzels. if you attended the super bowl festivities in indiana last week, you might need to see a doctor after indiana's department of health confirmed two fans got sick with the measles. somebody infected with measles showed up at the super bowl village on friday.
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a lot of people did. at least 200,000 people were there. measles may cause high fever, coughing and facial rash. let's check in to find out what's happening later this morning. we are going to tell you including the high is your of that we have been seeing up to 18 feet possibly. >> gil was out there and it's getting crazy. and the impromptu race between wake borders and a couple of dolphins. pretty cool. it's all coming up. stay right there.
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anne makovec is in san sco, where ross mirkar this morning, san francisco's sheriff is renewing his fight to see his son. anne makovec is in san francisco where ross mirkarimi is returning to family court in just two hours from now. good morning, anne. >> reporter: good morning. he is hoping a judge will finally lift the order that has been forcing him to stay away from his son. the hearing this morning starts at 9:00 in family court. this is after a similar motion was twice denied in crimmial court. ross mirkarimi is now barred from seeing his wife and son. this hearing is just about his son. his wife supports the request to see their son. mirkarimi was arrested on january 13 charged with domestic violence battery, endangering a child and dissuading a witness. mirkarimi is accused of grabbing and bruising his wife's arm in front of their son and then asking her to not
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call the police in. in the criminal case yesterday, prosecutors filed a request to allow the testimony of this woman in the trial, christina flores, his ex-girlfriend. she date him back in 2007 and 2008 and has a similar story of abuse. prosecutors say that that shows a pattern of abusive behavior. the criminal trial is set to start on february 4. we'll see what happens here this -- the criminal trial is set to start on february 24. we'll see what happens in family court this morning. >> thank you, anne makovec. oakland mayor jean quan will deliver the annual state of the city address tonight. one of the topics will probably be "occupy oakland." the speech is set for 7:00 in the city council chambers. big talk they are morning, rick santorum and his big sweep. presidential hopeful won his first republican contest since iowa. and then his second and third. he scored victories in
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colorado, minnesota's caucus and missouri. mitt romney finished third behind ron paul in minnesota. next is maine's caucuses on saturday. let's find out what's happening later on this morning at "cbs this morning." gayle king fresh off the victory parade joins us with more. good morning. >> you know, you can see the city is still floating on cloud nine about th giants. good morning to you, frank and grace. rick santorum as you mentioned blows out the competition with a three-state sweep. cbs news political director john dickerson will tell us what does that mean for mitt romney, newt gingrich and the conservative message? a retired general takes aim at the admiral in charge of the ben bin laden raid. we'll ask senior correspondent john mill better concern that too many secrets -- john miller about the concern that too many secrets are being exposed. darrell waltrip is in the green room. we'll see you at 7:00. tough.
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let's check in with lawrence for a last check of perfect. yesterday rain, today fog and waves, trying to kind busy. >> we thought it was going to be quiet today. but waves rocking along the coastline today, big-time surf out there, 18-foot breaks. that's pacifica pier. you want to stay away from the rocks today as those waves are expected to continue to crest into the afternoon. now, we're also seeing some dense fog all around the bay area right now. temperatures running in the 40s and 50s. dense fog advisory continuing in the north and east bay. some of the visibilities down to less than a quarte mile or eighth mile. the fog gone this afternoon, plenty of sunshine, temperatures soaring back to the 60s in most spots, some places near 70 by tomorrow then we cool off becoming a little unsettled into the weekend. and speaking of this weekend, the chinese new year's parade, it will be dry if you want to check it out in san francisco. partly cloudy skies, about 55 degrees and i think that's some of the 8 immortals dancing down san francisco -- i think that's some of the eight -- that's two
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of them anyway. [ laughter ] >> that is part of the crew that's going to be out there. you can see the rest if you go to san francisco this weekend. [ laughter ] >> okay. i want to go right out to san francisco because we have some breaking traffic news what sounds like a bad accident on city streets in san francisco. a driver was coming off westbound 80 off of the bay bridge down the fifth street off-ramp and it sounds like right there by fifth the car hit a pedestrian. so we're not sure about injuries. be extra careful on the roads. obviously, fog is really an issue. we have four fog advisories in effect on our bridges this morning. you can really see it as you as you make your way towards the bay bridge toll plaza. it's so thick, it's hard to tell where the backups begin and end. we know it is jammed solid through the macarthur maze. this is actually the san francisco side of the bay bridge. so obviously we just can't see traffic at all because fog is so thick. they issued a couple of other fog advisories this morning just within the last half hour. they issued one for the richmond/san rafael bridge. they also issued one for the carquinez bridge and one for the benicia bridge. so again, that's bay bridge,
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richmond/san rafael bridge, carquinez bridge and benicia. before you we're seeing foggy spots across the bay area and pretty slow traffic. check highway 4. they have a lot of speeds under 10 miles per hour as you make your way through antioch and we have a lot of brake lights for silicon valley commuters as well on westbound 237 right by the 880/237 interchange. so again, during the cutins, traffic and weather, we'll let you know about that serious accident in san francisco near 80 and fifth streets. >> take that all the time of. thank you, elizabeth. we end with a florida teen that got the thrill of a lifetime. take a look. >> that's 15-year-old mitchell overton wake boarding in the gulf of mexico. there are two bottlenosed dolphins swimming with him. they swam next to him for 30 seconds. suddenly they lost interest and stopped following him but how cool is that. >> they probably ran out of gas. [ laughter ] >> they're going pretty quick. >> they are. i think the way the dynamics are, they actually -- it's


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